Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Safety Dance.

Safety Dance.

     On the morning of January 25, 2010, the students of Nashua High School South got some interesting news. As we study for mid-terms that we will be having for the next few days, our teachers tell us about the new Mp3 policy. When in classes, the teacher can decided to deny or give us the opportunity to listen to our music as we work. In the halls, we are allowed to have one bud in as we transfer classes.

     In the past, the policy has been that no Mp3’s were allowed in school. Occasionally the students would get away with listening to them in classes when the teacher allowed it. In the hallways, on the other hand, if an administrator caught us, it would be confiscated and we would have to suffer the repercussions.

     I agreed with the old policy for many reasons. In classes, the students often goof off and don’t do any sort of work. The students would sit around, talking to friends and listening to music before their work would be completed. In the hallways, I have been run over several times by students’ who are texting and deeply engrossed in their iPods. Also, if some kind of an emergency happens, the students listening to music may be so deeply engrossed that they will not realize that something terrible is happening. It may be too late by the time they get their head out of their music.

     Headphones have also been said to contribute to teenage hearing loss, according to sciencedaily.com. It isn’t rare that I am sitting next to somebody listening to their iPod and I can hear it too. Often times it is even loud enough for me to name the song and sing along. If it hurts my ears and I’m across the room, I can’t even imagine what torture you’re going through.

     Jackie Malboeuf, a sophomore at Nashua High School South commented, “It’s cool. I’m glad teachers are trusting us as students with a new privilege.” It is true; the teachers are giving the students a new privilege. Wait, but why? The students disobey just about every other rule this school has. In between classes, it isn’t rare to see a girl with a shirt that is hanging down a little too low, or a guy with his pants around his ankles. It bothers me that I can see 90% of guy’s butts’ during the day. Dozens of students get their hats taken away each day. I can’t even explain how many people I have seen texting during class while a teacher is trying to explain something. If we can’t obey these simple rules, how are we supposed to submit to a new, larger rule?

     Many students say they ‘focus better with music.’ For some, it is true, but for most, it is just a distraction. With the new policy, I believe that students will be more interested in music than doing their school work and getting an education. I will not be surprised if the grade average drops in the next semester.

Money or ethics?

Is it ethical?

     I step out the door, eyes set on finding a job. When I get downtown I look around. The first thing I see is a Burger King. I sigh, walk in, and take an application. I am a vegetarian, looking for a job. The only place that always seems to be hiring is fast food chains. Being a vegetarian, is it unethical for me to take this job?

     McDonalds is one of the highest sellers of chicken meat. Burger King is the second most popular fast food chain in America. Is it ethical for a person who doesn’t eat any meat, work for the highest chicken meat seller? It’s hard to say. There are many pros and cons in this situation.

• One pro towards taking the job is that, well, you have a job. You are making money and can start to be independent. It’s tough to find a job with the economy the way it is.
• Another pro is that you won’t spend your pay check there. Let me explain. When someone works in a mall, for example, they are more likely to spend their pay check at the mall, then anywhere else. On the way to work, if they see something they like just after payday, they might give into impulse and buy that item. A vegetarian working at McDonalds will definitely not spend their money at the facility.

• A con –and personally the biggest issue- is that I am a vegetarian, working in a place that is strictly non-vegetarian. In the U.S. alone, more than 9.5 billion chickens are inhumanely slaughtered each year.
• Another con is that a vegetarian would be promoting the industry by working there. They would be giving them working people, which will attract more customers. More customers mean more animals will have to be killed to meet the needs.
• It is morally not acceptable, and quite frankly, it’s disgustingly hypocritical. It’s like selling a clock and asking what time it is.
• The pay is bad. Many people who work at McDonalds complain about how they are paid.
     A vegetarian working at McDonalds is hypocritical and unethical. Personally, I will only ever work at a fast food restaurant as a last resort. If I ever need a job, I will do anything to keep away from these vegetarian horror houses.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weather Smashing Pumpkins. (One of my first pieces.)

Weather Smashing Pumpkins?

     This past summer has had wetter, colder weather as compared to previous summers. Many farmers were worried about their crops- especially the pumpkins. With Halloween just around the corner, this is when pumpkin sales are the highest. Pumpkins need certain conditions to grow in. The rain this past summer might have ruined your chances for a good Jack-O-Lantern and pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving and Halloween.

     “I don’t think about it,” said Sharon Flesher-Duffy, a librarian, when asked about the pumpkin shortage, “maybe it will make smaller pumpkins more popular. I prefer the smaller pumpkins because they have better seeds.” Many people do not care about the lack of pumpkins. Other people, on the other hand, do care. “I care because every year, the day before Halloween,” said Melissa Jean, a sophomore at Nashua High School South, “my parents and I carve a Jack-O-Lantern out of a pumpkin. It is a family bonding experience that I won’t be able to enjoy this year.”

     This could be an issue for many people. The farmers have raised prices of their pumpkins, fearing they will lose money. Many children will be upset about not being able to make Jack-O-Lanterns. Many alternatives are possible, though. Instead of using a pumpkin, you could use apples, gourds, or even various types of squashes will work. Be creative in your alternative Jack-O-Lanterns this year. Unfortunately, there is no substitute for pumpkin pie. Canned pumpkins are an alternative that may also be low in food stores this year. A new recipe may be necessary this Thanksgiving and Halloween.

     Don’t be surprised when you go out and find a low number of pumpkins this year. More information can be found at http://www.channel3000.com/news/21133586/detail.html, http://www.aboutmyplanet.com/climate-change/halloween-pumpkin/, and at a local food stand near you.


Pumpkins to the extreme!

The extreme pumpkin carving contest happens every year. Although the most contestants enter around Halloween time, the contest is open all year round. Many contestants enter this contest, hoping to be crowned champion. The contest is run by Tom Nardone. More information can be found at http://www.extremepumpkins.com/aboutus.html.

It's Over

It’s Over

   In the summer of 1993, Karoline Joachims got the news that she was pregnant with her second child. Her and her boyfriend, Bruce Lowry, decided that marriage was the best option for their soon to be child. The wedding happened during the spring of 1994 in beautiful Ephrata, Washington. The couple came back to Connecticut, where, two months later, Karoline delivered a baby girl. That girl was me. Two months later the family moved to a small town in New York. In the summer of 1998, the family moved yet again after having their second child. The group moved to Nashua, New Hampshire and lived there peacefully for about three years. Then the arguing began.

     Karoline (mom) and Bruce (dad) fought constantly for two years. They fought about dinner, vacation, us girls, the list goes on and on. The fighting never stopped. Dad cheated on mom many times. Finally, mom couldn’t take it anymore.

     I was seven years old when mom decided the constant fighting needed to stop. While my father was away at a week-long work trip, mom packed myself and my two sisters up in a moving van, and told us we were moving to Washington. We were to get away from my father, away from all our friends, away from our schools, across the country to Soap Lake, Washington to live with her parents until we could afford our own place. My grandfather came all the way from Washington to help us on the journey. The trip took a whole week, me in the moving van with my grandfather, mom, my two sisters, and my pet fish, Swimmy, in her red van. I don’t remember much, except the mounds of confusion welling up inside of me. What was going on? Why were we moving? Was dad coming with us? Did he know we were leaving? No, dad didn’t know. We were running away from him. Running away from the aggressive, hockey-fanatic, porn-obsessed man that I had known as father. I have little memory of him up to the day we left; he was always in the background, watching hockey, yelling at us when we got in front of the TV, or quickly forcing me out of the room while he was jerking off to the moans of an unidentified woman. I guess you could say that the three of us girls had a terrible childhood, but we had no idea the terror that was in store for us.

     We lived happily in Washington for about a year, moving three times within the city. I don’t remember missing this man. Come to think of it, I never had second thoughts about him at all after we left New Hampshire. Life was quieter living with my grandparents. They showed my sisters and I the love and care that my father never showed us. Never once did he call to see how we were doing.

     Dad ended up filing for divorce in the middle of my third grade school year. On the court date, March 18, 2001, I only remember little details, like the way the wood felt when I ran my fingers over the courtroom benches, the way my grandmother walked my little sister –who was three at the time- and I out of the courtroom when mom was called up to the stand to report the abuse my father had given her, seeing my father for the first time since we had left. We sat in the hall- my grandmother, sister and I- playing with the bouncy ball we got out of a machine around the corner. We ran up to meet my mom storm out of the courtroom and burst into tears. It was obvious she had lost the custody battle for my sister and me. She grabbed my sister and me tight, telling us she loved us, and that we’d be back before we knew it. We went outside, and my great grandmother gave us each a stuffed animal- which I still have to this day. Everyone was crying, besides my father and his mother, who both had a sly, evil smirk on their faces. The most vivid memory of that day was my grandma (dad’s mom) pulling me away from my mom’s warm embrace. We were to drive four hours to the Seattle Airport and take the next flight out. “Just imagine this as a long vacation,” they kept repeating, “you’ll be back before you know it.”

     Eight years later, the ‘vacation’ is still going on.

     Although my story is unusual, I am not the only student whose parents have divorced. According to divorcerate.org, 50% of first marriages, 60% of second marriages, and 73% of third marriages end in divorce.

     Overall, a divorce can be classified as dissolution of marriage. It cancels the legal duties of a marriage and dissolves the bonds of matrimony. In some centuries, divorce is not permitted, such as in the Philippines and Malta, although an annulment is possible. Divorce can contain many things, including spousal support, child support, child custody, distribution of property, and division of debt.

     There are two basic types of divorce: At fault divorce and No-fault divorce. A couple gets and at Fault divorce when one partner can prove that their partner has been at fault on the terms of marriage. No fault divorce is when no party is at fault; they simply just weren't right for each other, whether it was differences or compatibility that separated.

     Although those are the two most common and most basic divorces, there are a few more. One of them is the Summary Divorce, in which a couple hasn't been together for more than five years, have no children together, minimal or no real property, their marital property is under a threshold, and each partner’s personal property is under a threshold.

     Divorce is a long, drawn out process which takes years and a lot of money to finalize. “The divorce process can take anywhere from a few months to several years,” said Joshua Estrin, a licensed psychotherapist living in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., “These challenges are not the kind to be resolved overnight.” When no children, property, pets, etc., involved with the couple, it can cost as little as $500 per person, according to http://www.thelaboroflove.com.This will usually cover court fees and attorney fees. When a child or property is involved, the cost of the divorce increases drastically. It is said that the more you can settle out yourself, the less the actual divorce will cost. The average cost of a divorce in the United States is $15,000. This does not include the possible mental help needed for one or both of the separated parties, and possibly even for a child. It also does not include moving fees and a place to live for the moving one.

     Divorce also costs business’ billions of dollars each year. A study done in 2006 entitled “Marriage and Family Wellness: Corporate America’s Business” by Minneapolis-based Life Innovations calculated that:

• Relationship related stress has cost companies more than $300 billion dollars a year.
• In the year after the divorce, employees lost 168 hours of work.
• Unhappily married couples are four times more likely to abuse alcohol (themselves or their partner), rather than happily married couples.
• Financial pressures typically worsen for employees going through a divorce, which can cost them from $15,000 to $30,000.

     Divorce can also cause poverty in many households. When a couple separates, so does their income. If the couple has child, child support will help the custodial parent pay for food, housing, and clothing for their child, but times will be tough for quite some time.

    Why divorce? Chances are, the more divorced couples you ask, the larger the variety in answers will be. These answers can range from ‘just because it wasn’t working out’ to ‘they were emotionally and/or physically abusive’ to ‘they cheated.’ There are a variety of reasons couples get divorced. All of which end in a hardship. The NFI (National Fatherhood Initiative) asked hundreds of divorced couples to list major factors of their divorce. The most common reason given was “lack of commitment” with 73% of people giving this as a factor. About 56% of those surveyed reported that “too much arguing” was another large factor. 55% of individuals reported that “infidelity” was another one of the highest factors. “Marrying too young” was also another large reason, with 46% of the group giving this as a response. “Unrealistic expectations” (45%) and “lack of equality in the relationship” (44%) were also two of the most common reasons. A surprisingly low 29% of people said that “domestic violence” was a contributing factor. 41% of people noted that “lack of premarital preparation also contributed.

     Some say that cheating isn’t wrong. “If you have any thoughts of cheating, you should end your relationship,” said one in an interview, who wishes to be anonymous, “It’s a sign.” It is, if you think about it. The definition of ‘cheating’ is to defraud, to deceive, and to elude. Anonymous continues, “If you are cheating, you obviously do not care for the person you are with as much as you thought. Once you start cheating, you’re not in a ‘relationship’ anymore; now it is a game.”

     Half of children live with divorced parents. Students with divorced parents are more likely to drop out of high school in comparison to those students who come from stable, healthy household. Worse off are the students who have to go through multiple parental changes, such as those who have to go through more than one death, divorce, remarriage, re-divorce, or move. According to eNotAlone.com, these students have only a 40% to 50% chance of graduating high school. Studies also show that divorce is harder on younger children than older, but no matter how old the child, it is going to be a difficult and stressful time.

     One student has previously gone through the divorce of her parents. Sophomore Sydney Ramirez’s parents divorced when she was nine years old. “I was expecting it, actually.” Her mother broke the news by bringing little nine year old Sydney to the back of her car, and was telling her about all the plates she just bought. “She told me that we were moving to a new house. One where dad wouldn’t be coming with us.”

     The biggest effect of Rameriez’s parents’ divorce was not a very uncommon one. She feels as though she doesn’t understand romantic relationships between people. Children of divorced parents often feel as though they their selves cannot be in a serious, romantic relationship. They often can’t fathom how anybody can have a romantic relationship. It’s not uncommon for a child of divorced parents to never have a long, serious, committed relationship.

    Preschoolers, aged 3 to 5, who have lived with both of their parents their entire life and are used to seeing them every day, will miss the non-custodial parent when they are not around. Their sleeping habits will most likely be disrupted and they will toss and turn restlessly for most of the night. They will often fear of losing one of their parents and think they will never get to see them again.

     Children 6-8 years of age will commonly state that they miss the other parent. A common question asked by these children is “when is mommy/daddy coming home?” They do not realize that a divorce is permanent, and will often time come up with fantasies where the parents get back together.

     On the other hand, children 8 to 11 often feel angry at one parent of another. Generally, the child will label one parent “bad”, and the other “good”, preferring one over the other. Sometimes the child takes care of the “good” parents’ emotional needs, such as comforting them when they cry or feel sad, instead of the parent taking care of the child.

     Adolescent children aged 12 to 18 have the most difficult and life changing effects after/during a parental divorce. They generally feel alone, depressed, suicidal, and angry. Many a time, the average teen starts taking drugs or picks up a beer bottle for the first time, trying to cope with the divorce. The children will judge what their parents do and say about each other and what they have done in the past. They worry about their own relationships, and if they can manage to survive in a long lasting relationship of their own. They feel as if they will make the same mistakes their parents did in their relationship. This is a very stressful time in the teens’ life. When stressed, the hypothalamus –part of the hormone releasing Endocrine system- tells the adrenaline glands to let out more adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones increase heart rate, metabolism, blood pressure, and breathing rate. When divorce causes stress, the body continues to release low levels of these hormones. Over time, this can wear out a person’s immune system, and leave them feeling overwhelmed and depleted, among other serious issues. During the time of adolescence, the body is going through many changes. Stress can cause these changes to be put on hold, or happen too fast. It can also add to the stress level. Not knowing what is happening to your body is a scary thing.

      Dan Rizzo, a junior at Nashua High School South talks about the psychological effects divorce can cause and the disorders it can trigger. “My parents are not divorced, so I wouldn’t know personally, but I do study psychology on my own. Divorce can cause problems in kids and teens, but most generally tend to overcome the effects they immediately experience. But what about those who don’t?” Rizzo continues, “There are hundreds of psychological disorders out there, many can be triggered by divorce. Some personality disorders such as Antisocial Personality Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder can develop if a child’s parents divorce when they are young. Some other disorders that can develop are anxiety, dissociative, and mood.”

     Teens of divorced couples can often time feel unloved and un-necessary in their parents’ hearts. Many teens have tried and succeeded in getting pregnant, just so they will have someone who will “always love them.” Once student who wishes to be anonymous states, “Yes, once my parents got divorced I did feel incredibly unloved. It was hard. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I decided if no one else would love me, a baby would. I would love the baby, and the kid would love me. I would give her all that my parents never gave her. Now I’m pregnant and I 1) can’t afford my baby, 2) my parents abandoned me, and 3) the dad left me. I wish I hadn’t done this. Yes, I am going to continue with the pregnancy and possibly keep my baby. But I’m not sure if I can afford it. I might end up having to give it up for adoption. I do not know how on earth I am going to keep up with all of these emotional issues.”

    On top of all of these serious issues, the child will go through several personal struggles. Some children will not want to go over friends’ houses and see their parents together. They won’t want to go out and see couples. Sometimes they won’t want to watch television or even listen to music, afraid there will be a ‘love story’, of sorts.

     A minority of children, mostly in their teens will have suicidal thoughts. Very few will act on these thoughts, but it is important to watch your child. If there are any signs of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, or any other serious issues, it is incredibly important to get them checked out by a doctor.

     Children often think it is their fault their parents are divorcing. In reality, it is never the children's fault. A couple falling out of love is never the cause of anyone or anything. There is no way anything can stop a couple from falling in love or even falling out of love. When it happens, it happens.

     One of the most important things to remember when separately talking to you children about divorce is that you do not talk negatively about your ex-partner. In fact, it is said to be one of the worst things to do. Young children are highly impressionable and whatever you say will stick with them. I can honestly state this is true from personal experience. Every once in a while my mom would say negative things about my dad. I would take these things seriously and secretly loathe him for quite some time. Dad still says negative things about my mom, but I have grown used to them. The things he says still gets to me, and still makes me sick. No matter what age a child is, negative things said about the other parent will affect them in one way of another.

      When talking to your children you should, on the other hand, talk about how both parents are still going to be there to love and support them. When they need one parent or the other, they can always call, and if they parents live close enough together, the child can go to one parent or the other as they wish or need. Sometimes, if the parents are getting along well enough, they should have a family dinner together, as long as they don't fight in front of the children.

     Often times, the child goes through all of these stages and more. I personally went through all of these phases and much, much more.

     Custodial mothers will expect less and less of their children after a divorce. She won’t expect them to go out as much and won’t be surprised when they spend more time at home. The mothers commonly become angry and disorganized. They will have a hard time separating themselves from their children. If the mother rushes into a relationship before the children are emotionally prepared for her to move on, they often feel as if they are caretakers, and psychologically feel uncomfortable.

     There are many divorce ‘fixes’ on the internet which are told to save your marriage. Many of these are scams from psychologists to get money out of hopeless couples. Desperate to fix relationships, many people go to extreme lengths to try to save what cannot be saved. Many experts have stated that it is impossible to fix a broken relationship. Once one of the spouses decides they want to leave, there is almost no hope in ‘saving ‘the relationship. If neither of you want to be in the relationship at that time, there is no use spending hundreds of dollars on marriage consolers trying to fix it. If one of you wants to work on your marriage, that’s another story. When both sides of the couple want to work out some problems, it is possible to become closer to one another. According to an article by R St James on ezinearticles.com, there are a few things you can do to help you along:
a. Realize that you need to be honest and open with each other like you were when you first started dating.
b. When your significant other does open up, don’t over analyze what they’re saying. Sometimes, listening is the best thing you can do.
c.Let go of any baggage from the past. If you need to forgive something, do so, and leave it alone.
d. Do not bring up arguments from the past.
e. Falling out of love takes some time, as does falling back in love. If you don’t give it time to grow, it isn’t going to happen.
f. Change things up. If there was something fun you two liked to do together, go back and do those things again. Maybe even go back to the place where he/she proposed, or where your first date was.
g. If you see something in a store you think they would like, buy it for them. “Impromptu gifts are the most special of all and it shows you are thinking of them and care”, said James.
h. You need to feel good about yourself before you can start to fall back in love. When you look inside of yourself, you will find that the problems are within, and not with your spouse. Fix what you find wrong with yourself and you will be much happier in your relationship.
i. James states, “If you need to blow off some steam, do so, but don’t make it personal.”
j. You don’t need to try to fall in love. You didn’t the first time, you don’t need to try.

     True love is hard to fall out of, but it does happen. As long as it was based on love in the first place, and not infatuation, you have a good chance of saying yourself from becoming one of hundreds of couples to divorce each year. Just remember to breath and stay calm.

    Although a good majority of the results of divorce are negative, there are a few positive things. When you step back and look at the big picture, there are a few things that could be considered positive. A couple that was once happy together turned out not to be right for each other, now they can go their separate ways and ultimately be happy, even if it does take time. If they kept on with the unhappy relationship, they could possibly become violent, and result in an even unhappier future for each of them. When there are children involved, several parents find it easier to get along with each other as time goes on, especially when children are involved.

     Maybe the most frequent place we see divorce is in Hollywood. The most recent and the biggest broadcasted is the one of TLC stars Jon and Kate Gosselin of Jon & Kate plus Eight. The couple has eight children together- twins, Mady and Cara, and sextuplets, Aaden, Collin, Joel, Leah, Hannah, and Alexis. In April of 09’, Jon was allegedly reported to be having an affair, after he was spotted with many women and ended up leaving with one of them. Kate was also said to be having an affair with one of her body guards. Both of these statements were denied by the two. It was finally announced on December 19, 2009, that Jon and Kate’s divorce had been finalized. With eight children, this is an extremely difficult case. The ex-couple has stated many times in the final episodes of the show that the house that they had recently bought was purchased for the children. The children would continue to grow in that house with Kate living with them. Jon would visit weekends and at various points in their lives.

     Having so many children and going through a divorce is going to cause many problems as they grow up. The children are rambunctious- just as any children are- and need a lot of watching over to keep them safe. One parent watching over them many not be enough. The twins, being four years older than their headline-making siblings, help care for them. They play with them and help cook with their mom. Keeping track of the eight small children is a difficult task, one that a couple wouldn’t want to face together, let alone by themselves. How they will manage to watch after their children is still a mystery to their 10.6 million viewers.

    Another Hollywood divorce story is that of Mel and Robyn Gibson. Married since 1980, the couple has seven children- Hannah (28), twins Edward and Christian (26), William (24), Louis (21), Milo (19), and Thomas (10). The divorce has been reported to split the property and money 50/ 50.

     Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins have recently broken their 23 year relationship. Although they were not married, they were still in a domestic partnership with their two children, Jack Henry (20) and Miles Guthrie (17).

     The divorce of these people will be heard around the country for months, if not years. Divorce is happening everywhere, all the time.

     More information, and help about divorce and be found at:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Vegitarian really is the way to go. (Opinion piece for podcast.)

Vegitarian really is the way to go.

Every time I go out to eat, I am faced with the difficulty of finding a meal that doesn’t contain meat. While everybody else is ordering steaks, chicken sandwiches, burgers, I’m ordering salads and fries. It is hard being a vegetarian in the 21st century, being surrounded by people who are devouring animals like there is no tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have an issue with people who eat meat. Just the way they are killed.

Let me take you through the life of a cow on a factory farm. A cow is pregnant for nine months, a glorious calf is born. Less than three days after birth, the baby is taken from the mother. The mother cow is left to give milk. A cow must be pregnant before giving milk. If the calf is a female, she is brought to a part of the factory set aside for the heifers. There they will live until they can breed and join the other cows in the milking facility. Most calves -male and female- will end up going straight to the slaughterhouse. The rennet from their stomachs is used to make cheese. Several will serve a worse fate. They will be stored in small, dark rooms, with no room to move. These cows will be starved, and soon will become veal. Some of the male calves are blessed to grow until they are full grown, but still stay in solitary confinement and used solely for the purpose of their semen. All of the cows who are “lucky” enough live get branded by piercing hot metal prods.

At the slaughterhouse, a majority of the cows are killed while they are still fully conscious. The cows have their throats slit while they slowly bleed to death.

45 million cattle and sheep, 100 million pigs, and 9.5 billion chickens are killed each year in American slaughterhouses, all without any kind of painkillers.

The slaughterhouse is not a pretty sight. In between killings, the workers have no time to clean the place up. All of the blood, feathers, and feces of animals are left on the ground, on the walls, and in the air. There is no possible way that they could keep these things from getting into the new carcasses. This means, as I previously stated in the McCruelty section of this podcast, that any disease the previous groups had, are not placing themselves in the new animals. Feces from the other animals stick to the new meat. That’s right. A big old cow pie right in your burger.

You might say, “Well, it can’t infect ALL of the animals.” If one has it, they all have it. Still skeptical? Take this into play. In one burger, there are 100 different cows. At least one of those cows has been infected with some kind of a disease, or has fecal matter in the meat.

Okay. Enough of this slaughter house talk. It’s making me sick.

It is said that is takes ten pounds of feed for each animal. With all of the poverty and hunger in the world, why don’t we skip killing the animals, and just eat the grains? Animal meat contains little value- aside from protein and B12- and is also bad for your liver over time.

It is a proven fact that eating meat is bad for your health. There are several diseases that are known to be associated with meat. Such disease as Appendicitis, Arthritis, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Diabetes, obesity, and Prostate Cancer, are much more likely to be found in meat eaters than in vegetarians.

As a country, we are obese. A major contributor to why we are so fat is meat consumption. If you want to lose weight cut out meat.

Meat contains absolutely nothing that your body cannot obtain naturally or from a natural, vegetarian diet. Protein can be obtained from peanuts, soybeans, beans, seeds, and grains. Most cereals also have high levels of protein.

Any vitamins that cannot be obtained at a proper level through a vegetarian diet can be taken in one single pill a day.

The most common reason people continue to eat meat is because “it tastes good.” Is disease, eating animal feces, and overall bad health worth the taste? I don’t think so.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Give me food. (An opinion piece)

Give me food.

     The students sit in their third block class, anticipating the bell. That bell. Such a glorious sound to the students. To some, it means freedom. To others, a chance to get away from the work, kick back, and talk to friends. At least for half an hour, during their lunch.
     On the way to the cafeteria, you better brace yourself. Students rush past towards to the cafeteria, many shoving through the crowd, and taking down innocent, hungry students. What are they in such a rush for? It’s only school food. Stereotypical high schools have food that makes your skin crawl. Only the desperate would take a bite of the “meatloaf surprise.” Nashua High School South, on the other hand, is different. The food here isn’t as bad as Hollywood makes school food out to be. (Elementary and middle schools in the city is a different story.) The hot lunches usually don’t look very edible or nutritious. It is rare to not see chicken on the menu. Chicken nuggets, chicken patties, chicken parmesan, those chicken rings they had the other day. Chicken chicken chicken. It’s hard being a vegetarian in this school.
     I have been a vegetarian for six years. Every day, I go into the lunch room, hoping for a tasty, healthy meal containing no meat, and always end up with disappointed, with a bagel in hand. The bagels are good, don’t get me wrong. It’s just not my idea of a decent meal. If I want an acceptable meal at school, I’d have to bring my own from home. I could make myself a salad here at school, but it can cost up to five dollars. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not pay five dollars for a cheap salad. They have whole grain cheese sticks, which are pretty good, but get boring after a while. I could choose something from the grab-and-go line, but that isn’t a very healthy option. The hot lunch always contains meat. So what can I eat for school lunch that is healthy, meat free, and will fill me up?
     I’m not alone on this topic; there are several other vegetarians in the school. Many have given up and started bringing meals from home. What about those of us who can’t bring food from home, for economic reasons? Should we just give up our morals and eat the dead animal they put on our plates? There is no way anybody could get me to eat meat.
     Personally, I believe that the school should come up with a vegetarian option at school. The budget cuts would make this difficult, yes, but we could always make some kind of food cut in the cafeteria. The school could cut out pizza, seeing as it is not the best option for students to eat. We have to keep in mind that the eating habits we have as a child will stick with us throughout our life time. If we eat pizza and a bag of chips every day at school, we will most likely eat fatty foods in our adult lives. The school district needs to keep this in mind.
     What do I suggest as a solution? Well, I think we should take after Paul McCartney. Not long ago, he spoke at the European’s Parliament hearing on Global Warming. McCartney brought up the idea of a “meat free Monday”, in which everyone eats a meat-free meal once a week. This is a great idea, in my opinion, and will ultimately make students healthier. Meat has recently been said to be unhealthy. Protein as well as the other few vitamins and minerals found in meat can be taken in one pill a day. This is a cheaper, healthier, and less polluting way to help you body be happy.
     School lunches should be for the health of ALL students, not just the majority. See Spencer Lowry for more information.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside.

Baby it’s cold outside.

In the winter months, many people don’t know how to stay in shape. Those who have stayed inside to keep away from the bitter cold will discover that they have gained weight, and will regret it once bathing suit season comes around. Those pounds could have simply been kept off with the right exercise and a healthy diet.

The major reason people don’t want to go outside during winter is because it’s too cold. Even though it’s cold outside, doesn’t mean everyone has to hibernate like bears. It is incredibly important to stay active during the coldest months of the year, mostly because we eat more during the winter due to being inside so much. To keep off those extra pounds, something as simple as a walk after lunch (it is best to go out walking while the sun is still out) can help your body stay healthy and lean. When going on an after-lunch walk, there are some important things to keep in mind. The chilly weather tightens muscles and makes them prone to injury, so it is important to warm up before heading out doors. The best way to prepare for the harsh weather is to bundle up. Coats, scarves, and boots should be worn at all times while outside. It is important to take things slow so you don’t sweat. When you sweat, it gets your clothes moist and eventually, they will freeze, making you even chillier. When you first get back into your nice, warm home, don’t start stripping off your layers straight away. Post exercise Hypothermia is possible and happens when your body rapidly loses its heating stores. Drink plenty of water while exercising. Although you may not feel thirsty, it is as important to stay hydrated in winter as it is in the summer.

If going outside still gets to you, there are a few alternative ways you can stay warm and exercise during the winter season. Every town has a mall or some kind of large store in which you can walk for unlimited amounts of time. A common way the pounds are kept off year long is going to gyms. If you do not want to pay for a gym membership, walking up and down the stairs for twenty minutes is a vigorous cardio workout.

Even if you’re not into working out or walking, you can just trim your diet to healthy foods. Vegetables are going to be expensive in the winter months, but it will be better for you in the long run. Buy a head of lettuce, some tomatoes, and dressing to make a healthy salad, instead of buying fatty chips and cookies. Cutting out soda will drastically cut weight. Having hot chocolate instead of coffee in the morning is an excellent way to keep off pounds.

More information on how to stay fit during the winter months can be found at:

• Mayoclinic.com

• Sideroad.com

• And in books at your local library.


Since its creation in 2005, YouTube has been a hit with people of all ages. The popular video site was created in February of 2005 by three friends created the site that is now viewed over a billion times a day worldwide. The company is based in California and uses Adobe Flash Video to show a wide-variety of videos to their audience. There are several ‘shows’, vlogs, music videos, and short movies that have made several people “YouTube stars.” WhatTheBuck, a gay male who has a consistent show of popular events that happen in the entertainment industry, is one of the most viewed shows on YouTube. The host, Michael Buckley, is viewed by thousands each day. He is one of the most subscribed YouTube stars of all time with 600,000 subscriptions and is most widely known for his flamboyant personality and barely breathing while he talks at speeds unheard of. Watching one four minute video often feels like ten minutes.

Brother duo John and hank Green are also on the top list of the widely watched YouTube stars. John Green is a novelist, who has written books such as Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska, while his brother Hank is a singer/songwriter and founder of ecogeek.org. The brothers started their vlog in 2007 with Brotherhood 2.0, where the two pledged to cease textual communication with each other. Instead, they would create a vlog to keep in touch with each other. After three years, they are going strong and have several thousand subscribers. Their faithful watchers are known as “Nerdfighters” who are “made of awesome”, as stated in several videos. Every once in a while, there will be a Nerfighter Gathering, in which many of the loyal fans will meet with the brothers.

Julia Nunes started out as an amateur ukulele player with a heart of gold. Several years later, she is a YouTube phenomenon. She frequently playing shows, often times with the Vlogbrothers. The 21 year-old singer and songwriter is from Fairpoint, New York and has come out with three CD’s to date through Rude Butler Records and DFTBA Records.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2012 (Typed. Podcast later.)

Apparently, the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. All of the students planning to go to college are just wasting their time, according to the Mayan calendar. In 250-900 AD, a civilization known as the Mayans created a calendar using 13 and 20 as base units, while the modern calendar uses base ten. The only similarity between the modern day calendar and the Mayans calendar is the solar year of 365 days. The calendar consists of five zeros, which can each individually reach up to 19. The system basically works as a tally system to count days. On the twentieth day, the second digit goes up to one. As the count goes on, 00100 is equal to about a year, 01000 is equal to about 20 years, and 10000 is about the same as 400 years. For example, the date, the Mayan date would be approximately 1012 years, 7 months, and 1 day. This is a complicated system in the 21st century, but what does it have to do with the end of the world? The Mayan Prophecy is based wholly on the idea that something bad is going to happen when the Long Count ends. According to the Long Count, the last day could occur on This date represents 5126 years after the Long Count starts. Experts have worked out that since the beginning of the Mayan Long Count starts on August 11th, 3114 BC, the end of the long count lands on December 11th, 2012, predicting a doomsday.

When something bad is predicted to happen, people seem to come up with the most extreme possibilities. Many Archeologists and Mythologists do not believe that doomsday will happen at the end of the Long Count. Instead, they believe that and ‘age of enlightenment’ will happen.

The possibility of a doomsday happening on this date is unlikely, although this could be one myth with a positive outcome on humanity. Many people have started living their lives as they have wanted to, since there is only two years left to do so. One Fairgrounds Elementry student, Samanath Lowry, is trying to be all that she can before the possible end of the world. “If the world does end in 2012, I want to die after having a possitive impact on someone.”

More information on the Mayan calendar can be found at webexibits.org.

McCruelty (Typed. Podcast up later.)

PETA-People for The Ethical Treatment of Animal- is taking a stand against McDonalds and their harsh acts upon animals. McDonalds, a fast food restaurant with more than 31,000 locations worldwide, is one of the highest sellers of chicken meat. The PETA organization, McCruelty, is spreading the word about the cruel and disgusting slaughtering of these animals.

The houses that hold these chickens are stuffed full of the animals in crates called “battery cages.” These cages are 19 inches wide, 20 inches deep, and 14 inches high, with about 8 hens per cage, but there have been as many as 12 chickens per cage. These American cages dwarf the new Europe cages, which gives the chickens space to move- about the size of a piece of paper. Although these cages are still incredibly too small, it is a step for improvement. The size of the cages makes it impossible for the animals to move around, stand up, or even stretch their wings.

The horror doesn’t end in the battery cages. After hens are worn and cannot produce anymore, they join the roosters for a trip to the slaughterhouse. On the trip to the slaughterhouse, hundreds of chickens die each year. During the ride, they might get the first-and only- glimpse of sunlight they will ever see. They also can be severely injured, and suffer for the remainder of their lives. The view of a slaughterhouse is not easy to take in. The walls are covered with feces, feathers, and blood. Every worker has on an apron which, by the end of the day, will be covered in blood.

The chickens are loaded off of the trucks and get hung upside down by their feet in metal shackles. This generally causes hemorrging, broken bones, and extreme bruising. Once enough of the chickens are hanging in the shackles, a blade comes across and slices their necks, causing the animals to slowly bleed to death. This is done without any kind of pain-relief while the birds are still fully conscious.

When interviewed, Ren Connelly-a sophomore at Nashua High School South- commented “I don’t know if I would want to eat meat that's possibly been 'contaminated' by painkillers.” What this student doesn’t know is that the animals are given growth hormones that contaminate the meat as soon as they are born. In between killings, there is not enough time to properly clean the space, leaving fecal matter everywhere- even in the air. What does this mean? There is a high possibility of a nice piece of chicken poo in your nuggets.

The workers sometimes torture the chickens before they are put into shackles. Many stories have surfaced about workers who have stuck the animals into the shackles by the head, wing, or other various parts of the body. One story told by an ex-employee states that many workers had stuck several chickens’ heads into other animal’s butts.

After having their necks sliced, they are unshackled and thrown into scalding hot water to remove feathers and other debree off of the bodies. Many of the animals are still alive when they are thrown into the water, and able to feel the pain.

In a letter to PETA, actress Ana Ortiz states that “McDonald's has no regard for animals or for the people who are paid an unfair wage to kill them."

McDonalds chicken nuggets, or ‘McNuggets’, are full of some very surprising ingredients. A total of 38 ingredients go into making this unhealthy food. Families often go to McDonalds hoping to have a ‘healthy meal’ for their kids, believing that they are made out of only chicken. This is unfortunately false. One of the most surprising ingredients is TBHQ, derived from petroleum. Once the nuggets are in boxes, this is sprayed onto the nuggets to “preserve freshness.” According to A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives, TBHQ is a form of butane, or lighter fluid. The FDA allows no more than 0.02 percent of the oil in the nuggets. This chemical can cause nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse. In taking 5 grams of TBHQ can be fatal.

As a country we are obese and need as much help as we can get to become healthier. More information can be found at mccruelty.com, formerfatguy.com, PETA.org, eatinghealthynutrition.blogspot.com, animalbehavior.org.

Jurassic Park in a whole new way.

Dinosaur lovers everywhere can now bond over the real thing. At least as real as it can get until Jurassic Park comes around. Walking with Dinosaurs is an animatronics show, which puts dinosaurs to life. Robot life, but life, nonetheless. The dinosaurs are controlled by three ‘puppeteers’. Two of the puppeteers are in the audience, controlling what they call a voodoo rig. When they move the neck on the voodoo rig, the animatronics dinosaurs neck moves. Pretty cool, right? The kids seem to think so.
There are many different kinds of dinosaurs in the show, including Allosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, and, of course, the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex. They even have a flying Ornithocheirus. As an avid dinosaur fanatic, I am very excited about this. Surprisingly, most of the dinosaurs are the same size as they were believed to be millions of years ago. The dinosaurs run around and eat other dinosaurs and do dinosaur things. Although, the pictures on their website, www.dinosaurlive.com, make them look retro, if you will. Bright and playful, kind of video game-like.

On their website, pictures show kids touching some of the dinosaurs. The look on the kids faces are pure happiness. The parents and teachers in the back look equally enthused to see the dinosaurs, and to see how happy it makes their kids. NOTE: Dinosaurs are GREAT. They bring happiness to many people. What about dinosaurs can make people sad? I mean, they’re dinosaurs. These are creatures from the past coming to life, right before your eyes.

But, many children may be scared by these creatures. In the most of the pictures featuring people, there are children. Small children, probably about nine or ten, about three or four feet tall going to see this show. The dinosaurs, on the other hand, range from the ‘small’ Liliensternus who is 16.5 feet, to the Brachiosaurus who is 73 feet tall. Now, you can imagine how some kids would be incredibly scared or these dinosaurs, seeing as how the smallest one is at least five times taller than them. The Liliensternus is a carnivore, with blade-like teeth, is agile, and fast. The littlest dinosaur in the show is going to be incredibly scary to most small children. I mean, if I saw something five times my height running quickly around, eating unsuspecting animals with its blade-like teeth, I would be terrified, no matter how much I love dinosaurs. The 72 foot Brachiosaurus stood over 50 feet tall, gazing on the tree tops as a herbivore. The Blue Whale today is 80-100 feet long, so you can just imagine how giant this creature is. This dinosaur is about 17 times taller than the average child. The pure size and stature of this animal would surely make kids afraid.

It may also interest them more in the nature of these animals. The size might make them wonder about how they lived their daily lives. This show may make some kids more interested in dinosaurs, causing us to have more Paleontologists’ in the near future. More Paleontologists may make for new dinosaur discoveries. More dinosaur discoveries may make for new progressions in the Walking With Dinosaurs show. In turn, grabbing more of the public’s attention, dragging in more audience members. More children will see the show, and be more interested in dinosaurs, and so on.

This show has already had many, many good reviews from many widely known media sources across the globe. The Times said “WOW, WOW, WOW… IMFORMATIVE AND ENTERTAINING”. The Mail on Sunday claims it is “TERRIFIC… AMAZINGLY LIFELIKE”. The Independent claimed it was “FRIGHTENINGLY EFFECTIVE”. Personally, I can’t wait to go see Walking with the Dinosaurs show for myself.

Cops & Robbers

October 12, 2009, 20 year old Megan McCauley walked into a Spencer’s store in Myrtle Beach. After walking into the store, she grabbed a “sexy cop” costume made by Leg Avenue, and headed into the changing stall. She stuffed the costume into her purse, and fled. She was caught soon afterwards, returned the costume, and was arrested.

Who is to blame for the theft? The woman who stole the costume, or Leg Avenue for pricing their outfits at $60.00. We are living in a bad economy, companies need to be more understanding and lower the amounts. On the other hand, why did McCauley feel that she needed to steal a costume. Many people just create Halloween outfits out of things they have around their house. For example, take a dress, some make-up, and a veil or wig and you can make yourself into a zombie bride without spending a dime. But society isn’t too crazy on such ideas. If a woman isn’t wearing something that shows more skin than cloth, then it isn’t “sexy”, and who wants to cut up a really pretty dress. Halloween for women really isn’t a very empowering holiday.

To some people, especially women, it could be degrading. It would be incredibly hard to find a women’s costume in that store without the word “sexy” in it. Quite frankly, it is hard to find a women costume anywhere that doesn’t have the word “sexy” in it, or doesn’t stop below the knees. On iParty.com, they have a top ten adult’s costume list, to show what is popular this year. The men’s costumes completely cover everything up. Number three on the list is an M&M costume, with both a male and a female option. The men’s M&M costume is a blue treat on the torso with black fabric over the arms and legs, covering the male completely. The women’s costume, on the other hand, features the green M&M, and the woman’s features. The tiny, skimpy, green dress hardy can be called a dress at all. The dress stops mid-thigh, and leaves no room for imagination. The list goes on and the costumes don’t change much. The men’s costumes- featuring “party guys”, vampires, and Star Trek, cover the entire body. The women’s costumes continue to get shorter. Coming in number four on the list is “storybook”. These costumes are based off of story book characters. Based is a loose term in this context. Dorothy is reasonable. The dress goes down to the knees and shows no cleavage. The Alice costume, on the other hand, is incredibly short. The tiny dress stops about a quarter of the way down the thigh. Although long socks come with the costume, this one screams for attention. Ninth on the list is ‘bugs’. No surprise that these costumes would also be very tiny. Lastly on the list, is a male-female couple’s costume. Although this one covers every part of the body, “plug and socket’s” main focus is not electricity. The plug is conveniently located at the man’s hips, and the double sockets are located at the women’s chest and hips.

There are many flaws with women’s Halloween costumes being too short. Most girls who wear these are teenage to mid-twenties. These women are the ones who usually go partying and hang out with friends on Halloween night. These parties usually have alcoholic beverages, and raging men. Teenage girls looking for attention will often do anything- even drink. Men that go to these parties look at these girls, already a little intoxicated, and decide to make the moves on them. This may lead to the man and the woman going upstairs and doing somethings that both of them will most likely regret in the later years.

Battle of The Sexes.

Battle of the sexes.

Over your typical 12-year public school course, students have many forms of math education, including a multitude of math courses. Who is more assertive: male or female math teachers? Are male teachers stricter? Do female teachers let their student walk all over them? The results may surprise you.

What makes a teacher strict? There are many factors that make any teacher ‘strict’. A strict teacher may have stiff deadlines, may discipline their students, may have high standards for their students, and keeps their students on their toes. An easy-going or not so strict teacher, on the other hand, will have deadlines that are flexible, have students talking over them constantly, never or rarely discipline, and don’t get much done. If a teacher shows weakness from day one, students will pounce, and take over the classroom, making it impossible for the teachers to teach, and for the students to learn. This has been seen frequently at Nashua High School South.

A survey was created by a student at Nashua high School South, Spencer Lowry, asked students a few questions about what they thought about this subject. It asked if they had more female or male math teachers in the past, how strict male teachers were on a scale of one to ten, and how strict female math teachers were on a scale of one to ten. It turns out that there are more female than male math teachers. The average strictness rating for female math teachers was 5.20, while the average rating for a male math teacher was 4.86. This results that female math teachers are stricter than male math teacher. “In the past my hardest teachers were old women math teachers.” said Melissa Jean, a sophomore at Nashua High School South when asked about which teachers were stricter in her previous years.


Teacher cuts.

The 2009 budget cuts of the Nashua School District may mean more teacher cuts throughout the year. The budget cuts effect everyone in the Nashua School District. Students cannot print in any area of the school, and teachers have to ‘sign out’ reams of paper that they use. Trying to break even is going to be hard for everyone, especially the teachers, trying to make ends meet and teach their students at the same time.


After over a year of my personal blog, I have decided that it's time for a professional one.
Here I will post any articles I write, podcasts I create or help create, pictures I take, etc.
Let's hope for a good experience and an excellent New Year.