Monday, January 11, 2010

Vegitarian really is the way to go. (Opinion piece for podcast.)

Vegitarian really is the way to go.

Every time I go out to eat, I am faced with the difficulty of finding a meal that doesn’t contain meat. While everybody else is ordering steaks, chicken sandwiches, burgers, I’m ordering salads and fries. It is hard being a vegetarian in the 21st century, being surrounded by people who are devouring animals like there is no tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have an issue with people who eat meat. Just the way they are killed.

Let me take you through the life of a cow on a factory farm. A cow is pregnant for nine months, a glorious calf is born. Less than three days after birth, the baby is taken from the mother. The mother cow is left to give milk. A cow must be pregnant before giving milk. If the calf is a female, she is brought to a part of the factory set aside for the heifers. There they will live until they can breed and join the other cows in the milking facility. Most calves -male and female- will end up going straight to the slaughterhouse. The rennet from their stomachs is used to make cheese. Several will serve a worse fate. They will be stored in small, dark rooms, with no room to move. These cows will be starved, and soon will become veal. Some of the male calves are blessed to grow until they are full grown, but still stay in solitary confinement and used solely for the purpose of their semen. All of the cows who are “lucky” enough live get branded by piercing hot metal prods.

At the slaughterhouse, a majority of the cows are killed while they are still fully conscious. The cows have their throats slit while they slowly bleed to death.

45 million cattle and sheep, 100 million pigs, and 9.5 billion chickens are killed each year in American slaughterhouses, all without any kind of painkillers.

The slaughterhouse is not a pretty sight. In between killings, the workers have no time to clean the place up. All of the blood, feathers, and feces of animals are left on the ground, on the walls, and in the air. There is no possible way that they could keep these things from getting into the new carcasses. This means, as I previously stated in the McCruelty section of this podcast, that any disease the previous groups had, are not placing themselves in the new animals. Feces from the other animals stick to the new meat. That’s right. A big old cow pie right in your burger.

You might say, “Well, it can’t infect ALL of the animals.” If one has it, they all have it. Still skeptical? Take this into play. In one burger, there are 100 different cows. At least one of those cows has been infected with some kind of a disease, or has fecal matter in the meat.

Okay. Enough of this slaughter house talk. It’s making me sick.

It is said that is takes ten pounds of feed for each animal. With all of the poverty and hunger in the world, why don’t we skip killing the animals, and just eat the grains? Animal meat contains little value- aside from protein and B12- and is also bad for your liver over time.

It is a proven fact that eating meat is bad for your health. There are several diseases that are known to be associated with meat. Such disease as Appendicitis, Arthritis, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Diabetes, obesity, and Prostate Cancer, are much more likely to be found in meat eaters than in vegetarians.

As a country, we are obese. A major contributor to why we are so fat is meat consumption. If you want to lose weight cut out meat.

Meat contains absolutely nothing that your body cannot obtain naturally or from a natural, vegetarian diet. Protein can be obtained from peanuts, soybeans, beans, seeds, and grains. Most cereals also have high levels of protein.

Any vitamins that cannot be obtained at a proper level through a vegetarian diet can be taken in one single pill a day.

The most common reason people continue to eat meat is because “it tastes good.” Is disease, eating animal feces, and overall bad health worth the taste? I don’t think so.

1 comment:

  1. President Obama, you and your family should stop eating animal flesh. For the sake of all animals, all humans, the earth, and the earth's atmosphere. Please sign the following petition and forward it to everyone you think would be interested. Thank you.
